Harp Talent

Quality & Diversity

Focus on Quality

We go through an extreme vetting process before sending a slate to the hiring managers as we value their time and need to hire exceptional employees for their teams. We have strived hard to keep our standards of quality high and more than 75% percent of the candidates we submit for consideration to our clients are interviewed, and we take great pride in that metric. Achieving this exceptional success rate demands a focused and thoughtful approach that goes much further than simply pushing piles of resumés over to our clients. We go deep with our hiring managers to determine exactly what they want and need in a candidate. We conduct quality checks and regular performance meetings with every client to outline which factors are most important to them and the company.

We also spend time learning about our candidates to determine where they can add the most value in an organization. We pair that intensive brainpower and attention to detail with cutting-edge technology that assists us with sifting, sorting and weeding out the misfits so hiring managers are spared the significant investment of time and expense required to find the right fit.

We take quality seriously and have a formal process to ensure this with all our clients

  • Implement a agreed upon quality control process with the client Prior to starting the partnerships
  • Establish 3-4 checkpoints during the process (Check – Adapt – Evaluate)
  • Measure satisfaction throughout the process
  • Ensure post placement satisfaction through regular touch points with the hiring manager and the employee

Passion for Diversity

As a minority owned company and passionate about Diversity, we are a diverse company ourselves first and deeply committed to diversity. A diverse workforce can offer significant advantages to companies that commit to this approach. Our key performance indicators reveal that nearly 60 percent of the candidates submitted by us to employers have an element of diversity. For companies that want to maintain or enhance the diversity of their staff members, Harp Talent is a trusted partner and ally.

Diversity in organizations have clearly emerged as a key driver for innovation and business growth. A organization that is abundant with Diverse thoughts tend to out-perform groups of high ability problem solvers increasing creativity and increase in revenue. Diversity has become one of the highest priority for our clients and as a partner we welcome that change and have adapted ourselves to ensure that we are catering to our client needs by building a diverse pipeline of candidates and having every slate include diverse profiles.


HARP offers customers a comprehensive service based talent solution. Get Connected with one of our experts today!