Harp Talent

Technology Staffing Trends for 2018

Hiring managers and recruiters alike are being forced to compete like never before due to today’s high demand for elite IT talent.

High-demand jobs in data science, compliance solutions, and cyber security are under-served, while software developers and engineers are in such high demand that accredited schools cannot churn them out fast enough. Although Silicon Valley is the Promised Land for many IT professionals, not every tech company  maintains a presence there. The question becomes, “how do we measure up when we’re not even on the radar?”

It’s not only a matter of attracting the right person for the job; it’s also about convincing them to stay on. Both concerns are equally significant.

Geography: no longer a constraint in IT hiring

One of the biggest trends—and of course, it’s nothing new—is to look out of state, out of the country, even overseas, as the best and brightest are everywhere. Once you have identified a candidate, the challenge then becomes how to convince them to take a chance with you.

Insider Access

Some companies use live webinars to showcase their culture and brand. This gives potential candidates an insider view of what it’s like to work at your company and will eliminate many of the unknowns that surround a new job.

Concierge Service

Offering perks, such as housing support or an interim residence can take the stress out of relocation, as will having access to childcare, schools, and other transitional supports until they get settled.

Telecommuting should be an option

A telecommuting solution can work well for candidates who are unable to relocate. According to Global Workplace Analytics, the remote-working, non-self-employed workforce has grown by 115 percent since 2005, and almost 90 percent of employees in the United States say they would prefer to work remotely, at least some of the time. Showing your flexibility expands your options.

Meaningful work is still the goal

For the increasingly millennial workforce of today, one of the most important motivators in taking a job has to do with feeling good about the work they are doing and what the company stands for. Philanthropy, commitment to a cause, or otherwise doing good in the world, whether it has a direct correlation to the brand or not, are key to employee engagement. It also seems to offset stressful working conditions, as employees are able to see how they are making the world around them a better place.

Hiring for diversity and culture

Diversity and culture go hand in hand, but they are two very separate concepts. Your culture is defined by the people on your teams and the way they work together. Every enterprise has a unique way of doing things that incorporates not only the vision of its managers, but also the contributions of its talent. Diversity demonstrates your openness and shows that you have a broad worldview. Diversity is not skin-deep. It is a blend of experiences, backgrounds, and worldviews.


Diversity should also extend to your leadership. Diverse leadership shows that you are open to innovation and collaboration, two very important factors when trying to attract cutting-edge talent.

Create talent communities

When you have a need that must be filled, you are often forced to make decisions based on the resources you have on hand. By building and nurturing talent communities you could be grooming your future workforce from the inside out, and when it’s time to hire, you’ll have a good insight as to who might be a good fit.

If you are facing challenges in attracting top tech talent, you don’t just need a recruiter, you need a specialist. Connect with us today to learn more.

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